« The thirty-six views of the Sainte Victoire »


Exhibition of photographs by Jean-Christophe Ballot from 3 to 25 August 2019 at the Sainte-Foy Chapel 84220 Beaumettes.


Cézanne painted 44 oils, 43 drawings and watercolours of the Sainte-Victoire. Working on the motif with determination and passion, he brought this mountain into the history of art.


It was all this for Jean-Christophe Ballot, but it was only that: it lacked the meeting, the confrontation instead. It existed only in its representation: the incarnation was still missing.


As part of an artist’s residency set up for him in 2009 by Le Grand Site Sainte-Victoire, Jean-Christophe Ballot walked the mountain in search of a revelation. From his experience, according to the four seasons and echoing the “Thirty-six views of Mount Fuji” engraved by Hokusaï, the artist retains a sequence of thirty-six views of the mountain in forty-six paintings.


With ten views of the quarries of Bibémus, a hollow mountain where Cézanne’s shed is still located, this ensemble is the exhibition “The Four Seasons of the Holy Victory” and the book “The Thirty-six Views of the Holy Victory” by Gallimard. By mixing the images of Jean-Christophe Ballot with texts by Peter Handke, the book forces the unprecedented encounter of two works and two timeless and romantic perspectives on a site inscribed in our natural and cultural heritage.


The mountain, in our Judeo-Christian culture, is the place of asceticism, of effort, of penance in solitude. This spiritual movement is found in many religions: one moves away from the secular world to rise to God.


Jean-Christophe Ballot carries the spiritual values of Buddhism focused on the ephemeral nature of things, those little things that photography knows so well how to capture: a burst of light on a bark in the foreground, or on the top in the distant…


And those of Shintoism oriented towards the full power of nature, greatness and majesty of the mountain.


This work is therefore this poetic meditation of the photographer facing the mountain.


But is this enough to explain the fascination that the mountain exerts on man?


The artist testifies: “I found, while crisscrossing the paths of the Sainte-Victoire, emotions that inhabited me on the road to Santiago de Compostela, in the fall of 1996. It was on Le Chemin that I discovered the joy of travelling the landscape, in an effort of the body, until i got lost in it, dissolved in it.


Then the gaze is carried to the horizon, or the top of the mountain.


Then the gaze reaches this fullness, in this apparent paradox of detachment and communion with the world. It’s a joy.”


The mountain: this unlikely encounter of heaven and earth.


EXPO AFREECA – SD 480 p[:]

Exhibition AFREECA, Chapelle Sainte Foy, Les Beaumettes from May 30th trough June 23rd.


The exhibition brings together five artists from the African continent who give a free artistic expression of their African identities.


Ayanda Mabulu, South Africa, lives in Johannesburg. He has a satirical look at the governance of his country, the misfortunes, the abuses, with a strong, engaged style, a brush that denounces the packages of a system.


Siriky KY, born in Ivory Coast, lives in Burkina Faso. His very refined technique describes his country with unique bronze sculptures. His new series of “precious heads” offers a testimonial look at the representation of the African man. The traits of the faces, marked, bruised, scarified, show the beauty of these ordinary beings with the power of the representation that one would make of a monarch or a God.


Nyaba Leon OUEDRAOGO, Burkinabé, lives in Paris, photographer. He delivers a narrative in pictures of the traditions and State of the current civilization of West African countries. The ghosts of the Congo River, the painted men of tribal painting, the Congolese youth in a green country.


Mamady Seydi, Senegalese, lives in Mbour. He gives a note of wisdom and humor to his sculptures, the animals of the jungle have replaced humans to give them a universal character. Each installation is the illustration of a Wolof proverb that translates the way of thinking of a Sage.


Dominique Zinkpè, Beninese, lives in Cotonou. It brings a personal view of the different continents. The mask in African statuary is a face of the actor, it conceals the truth. In his series of unmasked continents, Dominique delivers a staging of the clichés that symbolize the richness of the peoples of these continents.

In the beginning…

The Eric & Valérie Galéa Gallery Presents “in the beginning…” , a selection of works by sculptor Ariel Moscovici From October 20th through November 11, 2018 at the Chapelle Sainte-Foy des Beaumettes.


About forty artworks: Sculptures made of steel, bronze, granite and marble as well as paintings and prints in relation to the works in volume will bring their testimony of 40 years of career.


Ariel is inspired by the Bible. In the Book of the Genesis, “Bereshit”, the first word of the Bible in Hebrew means “in the beginning”.


He interprets the creation of the world as if his multifaceted sculptures were capable of containing all the forms of life to come.


Sometimes he uses several works to create a journey in time with points and a space.


The words of his language are stone, metal, clay.


He finds that the idiom that suits him best is that of the shape, the volume, the texture, the nuance and the color.


He does not explain his works because he does not want to demystify them. It offers you your own interpretation.



The gallery attended FNB Johannesburg Art Fair for the fifth time, we decided to exhibit a solo show of Mamady SEYDI’s sculptures.
After a first exhibition of his body of work at FNB Johannesburg Art Fair in 2015 where he was very well appreciated, sculptures of the Senegalese artist one again received a warm welcome.
We thank the collectors who identified his talent and validate our choice.

“Zimbabwe, your wounds will be name silence”

First summer exhibition of our gallery in the Sainte-Foy chapel in Beaumettes 84220 from 10 through juillet 22nd 2018.

Robin Hammond’s photographes “Zimbabwe, your wounds will be name silence” will be displayed for a short exhibition in an historical site dedicated to Art in the golden Triangle of Luberon.

A new hanging of about 30 selected photographes among the series presented at “Rencontres d’Arles” in 2013 and reproduced in the book edited by Actes Sud will be visible on site, other photos can be seen on demand.